Wednesday, October 5, 2011

One Glorious Year

Last year on October 5, 2010, we awoke in a strange country to the sound of the Muslim call to prayer. It was strange and very foreign, but oddly comforting. We dressed quickly, grabbed a quick bite and headed to meet our son. We were so excited and anxious to meet him. When we arrived at Layla house we were taken directly to the baby room. He was so beautiful. I remember seeing him immediately when we entered the room. Strangely, it was as if he had been expecting us. He was not happy to see us. He clung to the legs of his nanny while all the other children came directly to us. Those that could talk were saying "mama, mama" and clutching my legs. All I saw was him. Standing there. Terrified of us. Finally, he ventured near. He smiled, but quickly ran back to his nanny. We played with the other children, hoping he would begin to feel more comfortable. Finally, when we couldn't take one more moment of not touching him, not kissing him, not hugging him close, we scooped him up and sprinted out the door. He wasn't happy. We sat down in the courtyard and held him. We spoke softly to him. He began to relax. Then we took him back to the guest house, played with him, fed him and put him down for a nap. He was ours. Forever. Thank the Lord!!

Today, Greer is a happy, silly, smart, loving little guy. Each morning he wakes up singing with a huge smile on his beautiful face. He loves his sister and waffles. He is into the difficult twos. Not terrible, but definitely difficult. He is all boy. He loves cars, trucks, trains and motorcycles. He has grown like a weed and talks a mile a minute. He has come a million miles since that first morning at Layla. We have been blessed and love our little guy.

Today is a celebration of Greer's Gotcha Day. We went out for Pizza and frozen yogurt and he received a book and a coloring book and crayons. When asked what day it is he excitedly shouted "Dacha!" You got it dude. We Gotcha and we are never letting go!

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