Friday, January 7, 2011

Over a Fig Newton

Greer has been at Terri's since Monday. He is a very agreeable little guy and fit in like he had been there forever. Could be because he is used to having little folk around.

So yesterday, I stop to pick the little guy up and he is eating fig newtons in a high chair in the kitchen. When he is done Terri wiped him off and I lifted him out of the high chair. He reached for Terri. He acted as if I was kidnapping him. He screamed, kicked, and reached for her. I took him in the other room to put his coat on and he continued to scream and did everything his little body could do to keep me from putting his coat on. When I got him in the car he screamed bloody murder for at least half of the drive home.

So, I was hurt. My heart broken. I literally could not look at him for a long while. I am the mama who has loved him and devoted nearly every waking minute to him for the past three months. I truly was crushed. I do understand that the whole thing was over a fig newton. I get that. If food hadn't been involved I don't believe the incident would have happened.

Last night all seemed well again. I bathed him and spent time lotioning him up. He loves that. I got all kinds of hugs and kisses. We read his favorite book "niney noon"....more commonly known as Goodnight Moon. And, by the time I tucked my little elf in bed my broken heart had healed.

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