Tuesday, September 14, 2010


I am on the other end of a three day migraine that totally kicked my butt. I feel great. Always amazing how one will see the world in a better light, notice the view, smell the sweetness of the flowers after an illness. It is as if you have a new lease on life. I wish that feeling lasted. But, it doesn't seem to.

So, when I felt icky I began to obsess about the possibility of having a migraine in Ethiopia. They really knock me down and I am terribly sick. However, I haven't had one for a long. long time. T would say that I worry just for worry's sake. I hope not, but will agree this is probably true. Please, please, please don't let me get sick on this trip. Can you imagine how horrible it would be on a 16.5 hour flight with a 16 month old and a migraine?? *****STOP WORRYING ALREADY!*****

On to the countdown. 18 more days until we fly out of K town. We will stay overnight in DC and then board the flight from Hell to Ethiopia the next evening. We get on the Ethiopian flight at 8:30 p.m. on the 3rd and get off of the flight in Ethiopia at 7:00 p.m. on the 4th. Ugghhh.

Flight anxiety. Please pass the Valium.

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