Saturday, October 9, 2010

Day 4 - Friday - Ethiopia and the Luxury of the Marriott in DC

So, since I was not able to blog last night as I was on the flight home, I will have to recount it from the new found luxury of our Marriott hotel room in DC. Hahaha....never thought of the Marriott as luxury?? Well, me neither, at least before Ethiopia.

Yesterday morning started well for us since I had slept through the night. Of course medicated, but whatever, I slept. Even missed the Call to Prayer. Awoke to the sweet smile of my honey peering out through the slats of the crib. I actually got a luke warm shower in a drizzle rather than the normal dribble. Since we were leaving we really hadn't made plans past the party for Greer at Layla. So we stuck around the Guest House and were able to see our new friends off to their court dates. We had several families join us throughout the week that were here for Court so were therefore still not able to bring their children home. Of course we all bonded....I mean how could we not have. After they all loaded up and left we milled around in the sun of the courtyard until it was nearing party time then walked the short distance to Layla for the last time.

Since we arrived a bit early, they were still working on the party. We sat in the play yard and watched the kids play. They all became facinated with my hair and were quickly pulling it into child like braids and running their fingers through it. Soon the party was ready and we headed into the baby and toddler section of Layla House, called Wanna. There they had all gathered in the court yard on a huge woven mat. The adorable kids all had huge smiles and had just received yarn stuffed animals that the Williamson family had brought for them all. They broke into singing their ABC's and Mary Had A Little Lamb. A nanny gathered up Greer and placed him on the mat and cake and juice were served. The going away party is a huge party for everyone at Layla that all the children look forward too. Cake. Even the nannies and cooks get cake. It was precious and we took tons of pictures. Then we left Layla for the last time. Bittersweet and unforgettable. I have absolutely no doubt that our baby received excellent care during his time there.

After the party Todd left for some last minute shopping for some gifts and, of course, coffee. Everyone knows that Ethiopia is the birthplace of coffee and still has a reputation for awesome brew. While Todd was gone I packed and Greer, well, mostly screamed. Those of you who thought we would pay dearly for our sweet Empress' easy disposition were right. Should have bet on it. Greer is challenging for us. Screams most of the time but with precious moments of sweetness mixed in. And, a smile that seriously could melt an ice cap. But he also throws a fit that rivals a rabid animal. He seems unhappy with everything and no is definitely not a word in his vocabulary. Mostly he flings his little body to the floor and screams and kicks his stubby legs or slaps. Yep, he is a hitter. Todd and I have both experienced his head cuffs.

We left the house at 6 for our 10 p.m. departure. Then we crammed ourselves into our prison for the next 17 hours. Luckily, we had bulkhead seats and they brought a bassinet for us for the baby. Greer did surprisingly well, sleeping all but 4 hours of the trip. The 4 hours were trying though. Not much you can do to console an upset baby in such a limited space. I remember remarking to Todd that someone on the plane smelled like goats, a very familiar odor. It wasn't until we checked into our hotel in DC that I realized I was the goat person. After a bath for Greer and loooong hot showers for us we began to feel human. We were able to Skype with the Empress and she got a glimpse of her little brother for the first time. So glad we are nearly home.

Tomorrow our flight arrives in Kalispell at 1:45 p.m. We can't wait to see our Empress!! We can't wait to see BB and Papa Joe. We are excited for clean white sheets and too much to eat. But, we will also miss our adopted country, Ethiopia. What an experience.

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