Sunday, October 17, 2010

Less Screaming, More Smiles

I do know that to him we have kidnapped him. True, he is feeling more and more comfortable with us, with his new life, but nonetheless, we are responsible for alot of anguish in his little life. Today we have had our little Ethiopian elf with us for 10 days. Not nearly long enough to bond, but most definitely long enough to attach. He has attached. If one of us leaves the room he toddles over to the door we just went through, leans on it, and wails. After a few moments he is fine, but he does seem concerned that we might not return. When I lay him down for a nap, he screams unless I stand above his crib until he drifts to sleep. He looks for me. He wants to snuggle with me. He calls me "Mama." Mama, a wonderful little word. When he is tired he is content to sit on my lap and rest his little head on my chest. I am his Mama. I adore him and he is gonna be a Mama's boy!

Today he woke with smiles after sleeping straight through the night. Today he giggled. Alot. It warms my heart. He has a great giggle. He is learning what "No" means. He isn't screaming ALL THE TIME because he is beginning to realize that in our house screaming gets you nothing. He is comfortable with the dogs. He adores his big sister....and she him.

I love my little family. It feels complete. This is what happiness feels like.

1 comment:

  1. Julie - Truly gave me chills reading your updates. I am so happy that Greer seems to be settling. I thought about him throughout the weekend, wondering what must be going through his little mind. Where am I? Who are they? It's a little cold here. etc. etc. However, reading your Oct. 17 update, tells me it is starting to click in - and it spells content. I bet he too feels "So this is what happiness feels like" as well. Glad he and Grayson are enjoying one another. I am giving your family time to bond, but will come to visit when you least expect it. Hugs to all. Pookie
