Monday, November 29, 2010

So Very Thankful

Thanksgiving was days ago. It didn't turn out the way it was meant to in my mind. You see, we ALWAYS go home to Dillon. Always. I have only missed two Thanksgivings in Dillon in my 41 years. One time I was in Seattle with T, where he was doing chemo. We had crab. Didn't seem like Thanksgiving. The second was with my sis shortly after she moved out to the tri-cities. That time was a feast like none other. Man, my sis can cook! But, Dillon is where I am meant to be. With my folks. It is tradition, sorta. It is family.

So the weather became involved a day or two before we were planning on traveling. By that I mean it got cold. Really cold. Below zero cold. Like -30 with wind chill. And it snowed. It snowed a lot. We debated back and forth. It is a long drive. Wednesday we got up, packed, and then decided last minute that we shouldn't go. We decided that with the cold and snow and a vehicle full of kids and dogs that it was the smart decision. Not to mention the trip is a 5 hour trek in perfect conditions and the weather would surely add at least another hour. So, it was off. I called my mom. There was no composure. I immediately started bawling. I felt so guilty. So homesick.

I managed to whip up a proper Thanksgiving very first. It turned out good, but it felt like a regular dinner. Definately not Thanksgiving.

I am thankful though. Very thankful. Even though we weren't able to make it home, I am thankful. I am a truly blessed woman. I have the most amazing family. I am married to my best friend and love of my life. And I have the most beautiful kids that I traveled thousands of miles to bring home and cried millions of tears of happiness over. We are all healthy, exceedingly happy, have great friends, super jobs, a nice house and plenty of food to eat. We have it all. But mostly we have love. I am so thankful for the love that fills my heart and the love of my family for me. It is enough. More than enough. A blessing.

The Lord is awesome.

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